Triple Bonus Upcycle: Mesh Bags

Reuse Prepacked Mesh Bags at the Grocery Store Instead of Single-Use Plastic Bags. Photo @lisabforce

Mesh bags are plastic, so avoid buying them if you can. But if you’ve got a few around or if your grocer only offers essentials – like avocados! – in mesh bags, there is an opportunity to do yourself and the earth a favor. Reusing them returns your effort in three ways:

  • keeps them out of landfills in the first place (no, they are not recyclable);
  • helps you use fewer plastic produce bags at the grocery store;
  • keeps kids busy and quiet stringing them for you.

Please see EcoCool Kids, Project 2 for step-by-step instructions.

Durable Reusable Produce Bag.
Photo @lisabforce

No little hands for weaving in the drawstrings? Just drop the empty bags in your reusable shopping bags and use them with twisty ties at the supermarket instead of single-use plastic bags.

They are more durable than the flimsy bags on rolls in supermarkets. Or you can also use them for corralling cats toys or make-up or just about anything for which you’d use a durable little bag.