In Everything Earth’s “You’re Not Gonna… Are You?!” pages, you’ll find some ideas for not buying, throwing away or eating various things that you may not have given much though to. For instance, teeny-tiny bottles of water. Just think about the ratio of plastic to water.

Recycling is only a small part of the answer when it comes to protecting the earth from the copious amounts of trash and waste that humans generate.

On average, only about 9% of plastic that you put in the recycle bin actually gets recycled.* And the plastic that does get recycled becomes flimsier each time and eventually ends up as trash.

See The Truth About Recycling for more information about plastic recycling.

So, this page is not about inducing guilt over the things you buy, eat or throw away, but just about increasing your awareness so you can make informed choices.

Just click on the drop-down menu for specifics.