Surprising January Colors

While we ring into the New Year, wishing for spring warmth and renewal, many beautiful flowers are already blooming. Yellow roses, carnations, aconia, amaryllis, crocus and witch hazel all bloom beautifully in this season.

The desert, too, offers splendid color though not always in the form of flowers. Some fruiting cacti like prickly pear and barrel cactus are never happier or more productive than after a winter rain. The yellow fruits of the barrel fare well in cold weather, possibly due to their relatively low moisture content. The fruits remain until something eats them, usually squairels, or woodpeckers.

Or humans. They’re perfectly edible raw. The fruit tastes light and lemony, and the shiny black seeds are easily dislodged and rasted. But to be honest, a description of “delicious” might be overstating it. Try roasting the fruits or making jam to bring out the flavors.