August Flowers

August goes Big!… and small, when dressing up for the heat. The natives tend to be tiny, reserving energy for growth and blooms in the hottest part of the summer. Cultivars, conversely, show off in giant blooms of outrageous colors. Dahlias and Common (really?!) Zinnia are two of the showiest.

Click on each photo for a full-page photo and the flower’s I.D.


    • Thank you! Actually, Earth thanks you – she did all the creating!

  1. Are you sure those are manzanita berries?? They look too dark, and the foliage too yellow,

    • I’m pretty sure they are manzanita berries. BTW, manzanita means “little apple” – apparently they are edible and taste like apples!

      • I’m going ask my Master Gardener friend, Diane, the edible question just to be sure. Hey, Diane, what do you know about eating manzanita berries? I hear they are not actually berries, but have little core like an apple??

  2. Marea

    Is Western Water Hemlock poisonous? What a beautiful photo! So ethereal.

    • Hi Marea. I took the photo while hiking with a friend on Mt. Ashland. She later identified it. Hey, Lisa W., what say you? Is this ethereal beauty poisonous?

    • Lisa W

      What a beautiful collection of photos, Lisa! Western Water Hemlock is extremely poisonous…But I double checked my ID of that flower and I think I made an error. Oops. This Plant identification app IDs it as Angelica capitellata.

      But hey, that looks like an excellent app and says it’s free. 😀

      • Hi – I’m glad you liked the photos. Thank you for the great information! That was awesome of you to double-check the i.d! The app you mentioned looks fantastic – I’m going to try it.

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