April Flowers

April Flowers!

A smattering of flowers in bloom this April, some from the wildlands of Oregon and some from my own backyard garden. Go outside and smell the flowers!

  • Chives; Scarlet Fritillary; California Poppies
  • Daffodil; My Spring Garden; (Carnivorous!) Darlingtonia
  • Western Trumpet Honeysuckle; Blue Stickweed; Prairie Fleabane

@ All photos are the sole property of Lisa Force. Photos @lisabforce

“There is a music of immaculate love, That breathes within the virginal veins of Spring”

Madison Julius Cawein


  1. M Dale

    Gorgeous flower pictures. For sale?

    • Hi M. Thanks! No, not for sale. I just took these on an old phone camera, not even the fancy kind with 3 lenses. Nature does all the work!

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